Hello ,
I've been a software engineer for 8+ years. On my career roadmap, I should be pivoting to developer advocacy this year. I've had 3 interviews so far.
- Rejected 2 offers because they didn't match my expectations
- For the third interview, I wasn't picked at the last stage (which I later realised the company lied, and just closed the position sigh. wasted my time.)
It would have been way easier to get a role if I had prior experience as a developer advocate.
So what do I do ?
Cry ? Complain ? No.
What we do is hustle.
So this is what I did last week.
I found this really cool open source YCombinator startup that just released their product. They have a good product, good funding and a really strong founding team.
So I messaged them.
The founder I messaged was really happy I wanted to provide value to their startup. So he replied, and we setup a call to talk more.
That call was 2 days ago.
Before the call, here's what I did:
- Researched everything I could about the startup
- Learned a ton about the founders
- Used the product. Created my account, read the docs and learned how it works
I then created a developer relations strategy document for the company.
I spent over 4 hours preparing for the call. Then I created this document and presented it during the call.
The next day, he sent me this message:
I was happy. My presentation was valuable and now I have a chance to contribute even more value to a remotely distributed team.
I will continue working on this weekly and provide value in any way I can.
So what's the takeaway for you ?
Ask yourself these three questions:
What can I proactively do today to push your career forward ?
Is there anything you can do to push your career forward ?
Maybe message an open source founder and ask that you want to start writing automated tests ? Or create a design system for them ?
Or just write a technical article for a start up ?
How can I provide value ?
What are your strengths ? What can you do really well, and how can that benefit a project out there ?
Where are opportunities for growth ?
Preparing that document helped me grow. This is a real startup with real customers and a real community.
Can you find an opportunity for growth in your own career ?
I hope my story, my hustle, and my experiences help you decide how you want to hustle for your own tech career.